Our Mission
The name Blend Roast Grind, not only describes our process for creating truly exceptional coffee, but we find that it is also a process for molding exceptional individuals. Specifically, we want to financially support minorities & women who have a desire to enter into the medical field with scholarships, grants, supplies.
-These aspiring health professionals are BLENDED with others from various backgrounds ,who all have a desire to enter the medical field.
-They are then ROASTED through a trial-by-fire of intense pre-requisites, designed to filter out those who might falter.
-Finally, they have to GRIND it out everyday through classes, fatigue, rotations, residencies and more.
The end result is a confident and capable individual who is now an example of what their community can achieve. With this in mind, we are in the process of creating the Blend Roast Grind Coffee Club Award. By supporting BRG, you help support the next generation of health care professionals. Coffee Lovers Unite!